Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Burning Limiting Beliefs with Bhogi

"We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience." -Louise L. Hay

In TamilNadu the first day of the 4 day Pongal Festival [the festival of harvest] is celebrated as Bhogi, a day where we burn all the old useless things in the house. 

This Bhogi, for a change let’s also burn our old useless belief systems that are holding us back from achieving our goals...those pesky little devils called ‘Limiting Beliefs.’

Limiting Beliefs: What are they?

Ever been to temple and watched the temple elephant restrained by a chain, standing patiently beside the mahout, offering its blessings in return for a bargained reward?

Ever watched an elephant lumbar heavy log or uproot an entire tree with ease?

Ever wondered, what has made the temple elephant believe that those chains are strong enough to tie him down? 

Those weak shackles are nothing but the elephant’s very own limiting belief system built from childhood.  

Limiting beliefs are opinions we have so thoughtlessly crafted about ourselves and programmed into our sub conscious mind. We have so skilfully engraved these ideas into our mind that, just as the elephant believes that it is impossible to break the weak links of those chains, we believe we are bound by those limiting belief concepts.

The most unfortunate part is that many of us don’t even realize that the only thing keeping us from our dreams and goals is that one ‘THOUGHT.’

We in fact go a step further, and find proof, with life's experience, to inscribe this belief system in our subconscious mind.

Let’s find out what those thoughts are today and burn them in the Bhogi bonfire.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Pick a key area of concern in your life: Money, Relationship or Health.

Pick any one goal in your life that you are trying to achieve in that area.

Perhaps, a need to be more financially independent or finding that perfect soul mate or wanting more health and wellness to shine in your life or anything else.

Write it down.

Next write down a list of things that you believe is keeping you from making this dream a reality. You can use the list below as a good guide.

  • Excuses: Think of the times you’ve said: I can’t do that because I don’t have the time/money/skills/support. eg: I want to be healthy but I don’t have the time to work on it at this point of time in my life.
  • Justifications: Think of the moments you’ve believed: Nobody has achieved that, so I can’t either. eg: There is no such thing as a perfect soul mate, I have to compromise.
  • Worries: eg: If i don’t make the money, I’m going to land in some serious debt.
  • Beliefs ingrained by culture or society: eg: Money is evil or My father, grandfather and uncles suffered from diabetes or heart condition so will I.  
  • Thought Patterns: I’m powerless to change things. eg: If everything is going well, it’s usually a sign that something terrible is going to happen soon. The most common: it’s winter, I always fall sick in winter. Or I got wet in the rain, I’m going to fall sick.
  • Past failures: If I tried that I’d probably fail. eg: Those that I like don’t seem to like me. I will never find true love.
  • Fear: eg: Fear of loss of a job, fear of rejection, fear of debts, insecurities about a loved one, fear of illness or diseases [our list is endless].
Once you have your list, burn you celebrate the last day of the month of Margazhi - Bhogi. Let the flames of Bhogi vapourise all your limiting beliefs. May you begin the first day of the month of Thai – Pongal with the only belief: "Anything is possible, from the moment I believe it is!"