Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ground Rules: Before Dreaming...Before Designing...Before Beginning...

In my previous blog I mentioned that there are only FOUR primary hurdles, which have hindered our dreams from manifesting into reality. Even before we begin jumping over these hurdles lets understand a few ground rules:

Rule 1: Whatever has happened in our lives until now: good or bad, happy or sad, wonderful or disastrous, has happened because we have, at some point of time, in our lives, wished for it. We alone are responsible for every situation, every emotion, every experience, and every relationship that tags along in our life. 

Don’t believe that statement as yet? That is because we have been playing the blame game for a long long time. We have even created a cosy corner for ourselves which helps us hide behind this shield of blame.

Hmmm...let’s consider a few common blame statements:

My parents/My wife/my husband/my in-laws (perhaps some out-laws too!)/my boss: the root cause of my misery. The traffic/corruption/peoples insensitivity: the root cause for my anger. Pollution/genetic engineering/adulteration/bad genes: root cause for my illness. Capitalism/Political System/Financial System/ Fate/ Bad Karma bane of my existence. Phew! Do you already feel better knowing that you have so many people to blame.

Now ask yourself the important question: Have things in my life changed? NO?

Let’s try it again, this time let us pick on the one person we believe can change things: GOD! Blame him for making such terrible people, natural calamities, pain, suffering and the list is endless.

Let’s ask the question again: Have things in my life changed, at least this time? NO?

Yet we still continue to blame. "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a definition of insanity." Continuing to play the blame game has not changed anything in life. Isn’t it insane to continue to do the same thing, and find comfort in the misery?

Let’s try something different for a change. (Pun Intended).

The blame game, under the hood of helplessness, has not only taken away the sense responsibility off our shoulders, it has also taken away our ability to control our lives.

If we would like our life to take a different direction, a good place to begin is by inspecting where we are headed in the first place. A good point of beginning is self analysis.

Begin by saying “I am the only one that is responsible for everything that happens to me.”

What a powerful statement. Imagine, nobody in the entire universe can ever cause you pain, suffering or misery. If I am responsible for my life, I am only going to fill my life with happiness.

Close your eyes and with complete belief and acceptance say it: “I am the only one that is responsible for everything that happens to me.”

Feel your life coming back under your control. 

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